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SAR vessel and ferry rescued drifting migrant
On May 1, 2022, Salvamento Marítimo mobilized the SAR vessel 'Salvamar Arcturus' to migrant who was drifting in waters near the Strait of Cádiz leaning on a toy boat and with fins. At around 3:15 p.m., the 'Miramar Express', sailing between Algeriras and Tanger-Med, contacted the MRCC in Tarifa reporting the sighting of said man sailing lying face down down in a 'toy' and with fins, for which they have proceeded to stop the engine and launch a rescue boat. The 'Salvamar Arcturus' arrived in the area at 4:00 p.m. and recovered the man, of North African origin, who was adrift dressed in neoprene and he was in a conscious state. After this, the vessel headed towards the Port of Algeciras.
Miranda chartered by Stena RoRo on long term basis
Stena RoRo has reached an agreement with the Finnish shipping company Godby Shipping to long-term charter their three RoRo vessels Misida, Misana and Miranda. The configuration of the vessels is very flexible and they can thus be employed in both the Stena RoRo and the Stena Line networks.
After the "Miranda" had departed from Rauma for Amsterdam and Santander with cargo on May 6, 2011, she had to stop and proceed to Hanko for repairs where she berthed on May 8. She left Hanko on May 10 and headed back to Rauma for further repairs and unloading of cargo. Departure from Rauma is now estimated on May 22. The problems were related to the fuel system. Photo of "Miranda" off Hanko:
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