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Refugee ship moved away from Regensburg due to spawning season
To protect fishing stocks, the 'Rossini', actually serving as emergency accommodation for refugees in the Regensburg district, can no longer be moored near Donaustauf and returned to Bach on the Danube in the afternoon of Feb 22, 2024. The ship, which currently accommodates 180 people, was in Bach from Feb to July 2023, before moving to Donaustauf, after the ship was no longer allowed to be at the pier during the spawning season, which begins in March. A corresponding permit was therefore only granted until Feb 2024. The situation is different in Bach, where since 2009, mooring has been possible all year at the community's pier. How long the ship will stay this time is unclear. According to the district office, up to 45 asylum seekers per month are currently assigned to the Regensburg district; until recently there were 100. The department of the authority responsible for accommodating people is assuming that the numbers will increase again in the spring. However, precise forecasts are difficult.
Rossini to return to Bach as asylum ship
The 'Rossini', which is used as an accomodation for refugees, is scheduled to return to Bach upon the Danube in February 2024. The ship has proven itself as a floating asylum accommodation, the Regensburg district office announced on Nov 20, 2023. It prevents gyms from having to be used now. The ship is currently moored near Donaustauf, where it was only relocated in August. However, for legal reasons, this pier can only be used until February. The ship has been serving as a floating emergency asylum shelter since the February 2023. At the time, the refugee ship was controversial. Even before the ship arrived, many citizens of Bach were unsure whether the small community could cope with 200 refugees and whether there would be conflicts. After six months it became apparent that things have remained calm. Since District Administrator Tanja Schweiger had promised the citizens that the ship would leave again after six months, it was moved to Donaustauf in August.
River cruise ship shifting to Donaustauf as asylum ship
The 'Rossini' which has served as an ayslum shelter since the beginning of February, 2023, will shift from the Maier fishery in Frengkofen, a district of Bach on the Danube. to Donaustauf on Aug 2. Due to increasing numbers of refugees, the ship will continue to be used as living space. Before the ship arrived, many citizens of Bach were unsure whether the community could deal with 200 refugees, what the place had to offer and whether there would be conflicts. After six months it is clear that things have remained calm. But as the nearby initial reception facility in Regensburg is 90 % full, the ship will be used relieve the initial reception facility. Every week a bus comes with 25 refugees who then have to be distributed in the district.
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