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Work continues on Escanaba’s deep water port

Thu Jul 16 11:14:49 CEST 2015 arnekiel

Work continues at the deep water port being constructed in Escanaba that will allow for the repair of large vessels and open up the city for international trade. “This will put Escanaba on the world map as a deep water port capable of accepting large draft vessels,” said Lyle Berro, business development manager for Basic Marine Inc., which is developing the port. The port is a short distance from downtown on the city’s northern shore, on the historical site of the city’s merchant dock. By extending an existing 450-foot pier, Basic Marine intends to create a 1,200-foot pier capable of accommodating multiple ships carrying cargo or receiving repairs. The existing 450-foot pier at the Basic Marine shipyard will be extended to 1,200 feet as part of a project to turn the shipyard into a deep water port. Once completed, the port would be able to handle incoming and outgoing cargo and allow for the winter docking and repair of large vessels. (Escanaba Daily Press photo by Ilsa Matthes)

Deep-water port under development in Escanaba

Fri Dec 12 10:54:36 CET 2014 arnekiel

Basic Marine has begun the development of Escanaba’s north shore, which will become the home of a new deep-water port. “The final plan is to be a deep-water port, that’s the objective of this whole thing. Initially, what we’re striving to do is do ship repair,” Lyle Berro, business development manager for Basic Marine, told the Daily Press of Escanaba. “This will be the only facility on the upper Great Lakes … that will be able to take a loaded ore freighter and have it be able to come in and have repairs done on it.” In the beginning, Basic Marine will be able to host two or three ships, but eventually the goal is to have as many as 10 ships docked over the winter receiving repairs.

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